On a totally different level, Dalí took an interest in the cinema. As early as 1929 he collaborated with his friend Luis Bu?uel to produce the scandalous Chien Andalou and then L’Age d’Or (1930), opening the way for surrealist cinema. He worked with Alfred Hitchcock in the United States in 1946 designing the sets for The House of Doctor Edwards. In the same year he produced several sketches for Destino, project with Walt Disney that was never completed.
Dalí did not hesitate to immerge himself in a popular culture trough advertising. He designed covers for American magazines such as The American Weekly, Vogue, Town & country, record sleeves, and worked with Bryan Hosiery, Perrier, Alka Seltzer and Dastun. He even appeared personally in a unforgettable commercial for chocolate snails, declaring “Je suis fou du chocolat Lanvin !”.